Monday, September 30, 2013

Life Happens

Clearly life has taken over!  I feel like I have no time to do anything I actually love to do.  If I could stay up later then I would have time to write, but this chick gets up at 4:30 to get ready for work.  So, if I'm not in bed by 9:30 watch out because tomorrow will be a rough day for all parties involved.

Things are crazy.  We still have some wedding planning that I am working on.  We have our engagement photos coming up in two weeks so I've been pinning away.  Yes, pinning takes precedence to writing...sorry! We put our house on the market.  HA!  Talk about a life experience.  My boo purchased a home about 4 years ago, he wanted an investment.  Smart right?  One would think!  We called the bank for his payoff before we decided to put the sign in our front yard.  We ran the numbers and we would get enough money to cover our closing cost on a new house.  The first few weeks we didn't have a single showing.  Annoying!  Once that sign goes up you have to have your casa cleaned at all times because you never know when you will get the call.  After lowering the price by $4,000 we started having calls.  Then someone offered full asking price for our house!   Wohoo!  I wanted to double check all of the numbers, so I called the bank and just like that our dreams of a new home were gone!  Apparently the ding dong I spoke with earlier did not know what he or she was doing.  They quoted us $20,000 less than what we owe!  OUCH!  We would barely break even!  We have the money in savings, however we do not want to deplete our savings account to purchase a new home.  We don't have a horrible house, we just have sketchy neighbors.  :)  In a matter of minutes our house was off the market, we had our dreams crushed and crushed those of some sweet couple ready to buy their first home!  I am now on project revamp the house!  I stopped because I thought we were moving!  I think it was God's way of telling us we weren't ready yet.  However, he needs to work on his timing.

On top of all that we have been traveling and working like crazy!  See life happened.  It sucks being a grown up!  I want to go back to the place where I had no 'real' responsibilities!  Or better yet be a stay at home mom to our four legged child!  Now we're talking!  What a life!

That's it for now kids!  I promise to come back soon!!


Sunday, August 11, 2013


First off I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile.  Life has definitely caught up with me.  I work 10+ hours a day now and then I come home and start my second job, planning a wedding.  But on to the good stuff...

Have you ever been trapped?  I feel very trapped right now.  I am in a good place when it comes to my relationship with my soon to be hubbie, but the rest of my life is nuts!  I changed careers about two years ago.  I was in a job where I wasn't moving up.  I had been with this company for a very long time and I was being passed up for promotions left and right.  Now looking back I think it was because my boss at that time was very nervous she would get replaced with a younger version.  I get it I do, but that would have been years down the road.  I got a new great opportunity and took it.  However, here I sit not even two years later and I am miserable!  I mean miserable folks.  I think corporate life is killing me.  I want to be free.  Not sure what I want to do or what will make me happy.  Actually scratch that I know...I would love to be a builder.  Yup, a home builder.  I worked in real estate prior to my job now.  I actually love real estate, it was just all the bullshit I didn't like.  Home builders are typically men and let's be real men don't think about the things women think about.

My love and I started looking for a new house.  We found a new neighborhood that had two builders to choose from.  We look at one and his houses were amazing, however he wasted so much space.  The house was over 3200 sqft.  That's a pretty good size house.  However the living room was so small that our couch and recliner would barely fit.  As we went from room to room I realized where all the space was.  Don't get my wrong I love my big closets as much as the next girl, however I don't need it to be a spare room, unless I have a 7000 sqft house!  There were all these cubbie holes.  What am I going to hide in there a little person? Men don't think about the important things in a home.  For instance I want a huge pantry and a lot of houses don't have that.  I want a huge laundry room, don't make it where I can barely walk in and open the door to the washer or dryer.  If I have to do the laundry then make it big enough for me to stand in and work in.  Bathrooms are another thing.  We looked at a house where the linen closet (which wasn't big) door opened up and hit the shower door.  Are you serious?

I think it's my calling to be a badass woman home builder!  I need something to get me out of this sexist world I work in now.  I know most builders are men, but it's not an industry that focuses on that.  I am currently in an industry that makes it difficult for woman to work.  They see a woman having a family as a weakness and that's messed up.  I'm sick of feeling I can't accomplish anything.  I'm sick of being someone's bitch day in and day out.  I know most people feel that way, but it's really starting to get to me.  I want to take a risk.  I've never been a risk taker and I want to be one! I don't want to be trapped!  I want to be F.R.E.E., free falling!  :) Thankfully my boy is supportive and is willing to let me do what I need, probably because he is sick of listening to me complain everyday!! Poor guy!

So, what do you think?  Take a risk?

Monday, July 22, 2013

Fool Me Once

My fiance's sister-n-law is one crazy bitch.  She's the girl who wants everyone to like her because she freaks out if they don't.  She will tell you what you want to hear.  She will say the sweetest things to your face and in the same sentence she will cut you so deep you'll need stitches.  The typical "mean girl".  But the best part she thinks she is better than you, when in all reality she is simply jealous of you and what you have. 

 I will credit where credit is due.  She was very nice to me in the beginning, actually she was the only one who was nice to me.  For that reason I stuck to her side.  All that came to a halt one night when she punched me in the face.  I'm going to leave that alone for now because it's a very long story and honestly I don't want to get into it, but just know she is lucky to still be walking.  After that night I stayed away from her for a very long time.  I learned so much about her after all that.  Let's just say she is sick in the head, like straight jacket sick!  We went a good six months before I spoke to her and even then I didn't say much. 

I'm not sure what made me talk to her.  My fiance and I avoided her.  She was toxic.  Then one day I found myself talking to her.  Don't get it twisted, I did not forgive her or forget, I moved on.  I needed to move forward because all that anger was eating me alive.  I very rarely let people treat me that way, she was one of the lucky ones.  I never let her back in the way I had in the beginning.  I was too smart for that.  But I was slowly opening up and talking. I think my main reason for speaking to her was to ease the tension for my fiance's sake.  He and his brother are very close and for awhile we didn't hang out because of the crazy bitch. 

Things have been good for the past few months.  I thought she was becoming normal again.  Then BAM!!!  It all comes crashing down.  (Please do not judge me for what I am about to say)  I was looking at facebook and the first thing I see is my future sister-n-law checking in at a bar with her  "BFF" and my arch enemy.  Say what?  Yup.  My arch enemy is a girl (yes, girl..she's the rip old age of 22) who tried everything in her being to break my boy and I up when we first started dating.  In fact she was successful when it came to a friend and his marriage.  She's the small town SLUT.  I'm not saying that to be mean, she's made her way around and everyone knows it.  Anyways my future SIL hated her before I even knew her.  She knew that she broke a marriage up.  She attempted to do other things, but never succeeded.  For the past year I have not heard or seen her.  Then she started hanging around the same crowd we do.  Weird seeing as how we are all at least 8+ years older than her.  My SIL talks so much shit about her it's crazy.  I mean don't get me wrong I really dislike this girl, but I don't waste my good comebacks on her if you know what I mean.  As long as she leaves us alone then I'm good.  I expected that from my SIL as well.  Now you see why I was so shocked?  Here's the best part.  My SIL thinks she is so damn smart.  She hides her friends from everyone.  I'm not sure how you do that because FB doesn't mean that much to me, but she does it.  Her "BFF" checked her in with the hoochie.  BUSTED bitch!!  So, I did what every self respecting woman would do, I took a screen shot of the page and kept it.  Then I defriended my SIL and her "BFF".   Mature?  Probably not, but it was defriend or go off on this bitch and I wasn't giving her that satisfaction.  Plus she is the kind that will get her feelings hurt when she realizes I defriended her ass.  I can't wait for the day.  This is why the screen shot was important.  She is famous for lying...SHOCKER!  I know if I call her out on it she will lie and I needed proof.  Now I have it. 

You might be asking yourself why I keep quoting "BFF", let me explain.  SIL is crazy.  She's bipolar, maybe not clinically (yet), but one day she will be.  She claimed this girl was her BFF years ago, then they got into some random fight and suddenly she hated her.  And no they weren't in high school they were in their 30's.  Magically one day none of that happened and they were BFF's again! Shoot me now! I get it we are chicks, we fight, but I have never gone around trash talking my BFF nor will I ever! Girl code! 

I'm going to be an adult from here on out, but if she asks why she was defriended then I am going to simply tell her, "When you hang with trash, you become trash and I took out the trash".  End of story!  I don't need a two faced bitch in my life.  I don't her telling people my business, especially not the girl who can't keep her legs closed! 

What now?  Well, I go to bed tonight, get up tomorrow, go to work, come home, workout, plan my wedding, and love on my sweet man.  My life goes on, I am just being proactive and prepared for what the future holds...which happens to be a crazy SIL!  This could get interesting!!

Until next time my loves!! 

PS: I was gone all last week in North Dakota for work and I'm pretty sure they don't believe in fast Internet so that's why no post!  Don't hate!! :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Rescue 9-1-Bridesmaid

As I mentioned before I am getting married.  Our big day is next May.  I have already selected my bridesmaids, however I think I made a mistake and I'm not sure how to fix it.  My Maid of Honor is my sister.  My other girls I have met in several different places.  One of them is my bestie from college.  Another girl I met at my first job in Houston and she has helped me through some pretty tough times.  Another is one I met while working my rodeo committee.  The last one is a girl I met at a game watching party.  Ok so three of my girls are some of my best friends.  They have helped me through a lot of shitty things.

The last girl, we instantly hit it off.  It was like a match made in Heaven, football Heaven that is.  We hung out every weekend and a few times during the week.  She was one of the only girls in Houston who actually understood my personality.  Then I met my boy.  However, I did not forget about my friend.  I still hung out with her maybe not as much as before but we hung out most weekend.  Slowly our friendship dwindled.  I would call her to hang out and she would have plans, which was fine, but it got to the point where she wouldn't call me back.  I would call a few weeks in advance and we would make plans and she would flake out.  Finally I realized it just wasn't worth it anymore. I know that's mean, but that's just how it is.  Her birthday came around and I celebrated with her.  That night became a disaster.  I am not one for drama but boy did we have drama.  Lots of words were exchanged.  It was the last night I spoke to her.

We went an entire year without speaking.  I thought about her here and there, but I was not going to be the first one to break the silence.  My pride gets in the way.  Finally, I break down and text her.  It was awkward in the beginning, but we agreed to meet up.  Our meeting turned out okay.  We hung out several times and I thought we were picking up where we left off.  However, it wasn't long after we started talking again that I got engaged.  I thought about asking her and tossed around reasons why I shouldn't.  But things were going so well that I decided to just do it.

Here we are 3 months after I asked and I don't hear from her.  I text her and try to hang out but we never meet up.  She claims she always has something to do.  She claims she is always studying.  Yes, I know school is important. I get that.  However, school is out so she has the time.  But I still haven't heard from her.  She showed up late to the one thing I asked her to be dress shopping.  Y'all she showed up 20 minutes late. I had already tried on 3 dresses.  I mean I get an hour and half and I have to move pretty quick.  Plus that's a big deal for me!  I mean it's wedding dress shopping.  The day I have looked forward to forever!  To make it worse she lives right down the street! How the hell are you late for that day?  Sounds stupid to be upset about but that day meant a lot!

Now the question is what do I do?  Do I kick her out of the wedding? I mean I want people in the wedding who actually want to be part of it.  All my other bridesmaids are all about it. They are just as excited as I am.  What do I do? How does one handle this shit?  I don't know how I got myself into this mess!!!  Help!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sweet Tea with a hint of Vodka

I have talked myself into giving this whole blog thing another try.  I have literally drafted about 10 posts and deleted them all within the last six months.  I keep coming up with new ideas when it comes to blogs, but finally I reached the conclusion that I just need to be myself.  I need to write what I want to write.  I need to rant and if people read it and keep coming back then I am doing okay. 

Let's start off with an introduction so you know what you are getting yourself into.  I'm a 29 year old (man that sucked to type out) true Texan.  I have lived many other places, but Texas is home and always will be.  No matter where I was Texas was in my soul.  My boots are my go to shoes.  They are so incredibly comfortable and I feel more sexy is those than I do in my 5 inch heels, so take that Jimmy Choo!  Most girls dream about red sole shoes, I dream about blue (google it....$10 bucks to the first person who knows what I'm talking about).  Everyone says this so I feel like I need to...I love Jesus (but I drink a little). :) I am a Christian and I have my morals and values.  I tend to speak my mind.  I'm a tell it like it is kind of girl.  I don't hold much back.  If you don't like that then I suggest we part ways now and you go read a blog that speaks to you.  No hard feelings. 

Some would say I'm rough around the edges, here's what I have to say to them.  I am like a Sweet Tea with a splash of vodka.  Never had it?  WHAT??  You should try it. It's amazing, especially in this Texas heat.  It's refreshing but will get you loose.  Ya dig?  You drink it and thing nothing is happening, but the moment you stand up...BAM!  You're drunk and it's time to party!  That's me.  I'm sweet and I treat everyone with respect, but if you do me wrong...BAM it's lights out.  No, I don't mean hit you, I'm a lady for goodness sakes.  However, I will let you know what's up and you will remember that the next time you feel it's appropriate to disrespect me.  That's the way it is homie.  Deal! 

I am a fur mom to a handsome black lab.  He's 8 going on 2.  That boy has more energy than I know what to do with.  But I love him more than life itself.  I also have a fiance!  Wohoo!!  Yea for being in love.  Our proposal is one for the story books, but we will talk about that at another time.  He's my best friend (cheesy..I know...I used to think that too).  He really is the peanut butter to my jelly.  I love my family!  I would do anything for them. 

I love wine!  Like really love wine!  Actually I'm drinking wine right now.  Along with a pudding snack pack!  Oh yea!!  It's the way I get my chocolate fix.  Wine and a pudding pack, I'm so classy!  I love Mexican food, but what Texan doesn't.  The water is my happy place, whether it's a river, pool, or a beach, it all makes me happy.  Happy happy happy. 

OK I think that's a good start to this relationship.  I told you more than I told most of my first dates.  :) Until next time my lovelies!  And I promise I will return tomorrow.  It's a goal and I never give up on a goal.