Monday, July 22, 2013

Fool Me Once

My fiance's sister-n-law is one crazy bitch.  She's the girl who wants everyone to like her because she freaks out if they don't.  She will tell you what you want to hear.  She will say the sweetest things to your face and in the same sentence she will cut you so deep you'll need stitches.  The typical "mean girl".  But the best part she thinks she is better than you, when in all reality she is simply jealous of you and what you have. 

 I will credit where credit is due.  She was very nice to me in the beginning, actually she was the only one who was nice to me.  For that reason I stuck to her side.  All that came to a halt one night when she punched me in the face.  I'm going to leave that alone for now because it's a very long story and honestly I don't want to get into it, but just know she is lucky to still be walking.  After that night I stayed away from her for a very long time.  I learned so much about her after all that.  Let's just say she is sick in the head, like straight jacket sick!  We went a good six months before I spoke to her and even then I didn't say much. 

I'm not sure what made me talk to her.  My fiance and I avoided her.  She was toxic.  Then one day I found myself talking to her.  Don't get it twisted, I did not forgive her or forget, I moved on.  I needed to move forward because all that anger was eating me alive.  I very rarely let people treat me that way, she was one of the lucky ones.  I never let her back in the way I had in the beginning.  I was too smart for that.  But I was slowly opening up and talking. I think my main reason for speaking to her was to ease the tension for my fiance's sake.  He and his brother are very close and for awhile we didn't hang out because of the crazy bitch. 

Things have been good for the past few months.  I thought she was becoming normal again.  Then BAM!!!  It all comes crashing down.  (Please do not judge me for what I am about to say)  I was looking at facebook and the first thing I see is my future sister-n-law checking in at a bar with her  "BFF" and my arch enemy.  Say what?  Yup.  My arch enemy is a girl (yes, girl..she's the rip old age of 22) who tried everything in her being to break my boy and I up when we first started dating.  In fact she was successful when it came to a friend and his marriage.  She's the small town SLUT.  I'm not saying that to be mean, she's made her way around and everyone knows it.  Anyways my future SIL hated her before I even knew her.  She knew that she broke a marriage up.  She attempted to do other things, but never succeeded.  For the past year I have not heard or seen her.  Then she started hanging around the same crowd we do.  Weird seeing as how we are all at least 8+ years older than her.  My SIL talks so much shit about her it's crazy.  I mean don't get me wrong I really dislike this girl, but I don't waste my good comebacks on her if you know what I mean.  As long as she leaves us alone then I'm good.  I expected that from my SIL as well.  Now you see why I was so shocked?  Here's the best part.  My SIL thinks she is so damn smart.  She hides her friends from everyone.  I'm not sure how you do that because FB doesn't mean that much to me, but she does it.  Her "BFF" checked her in with the hoochie.  BUSTED bitch!!  So, I did what every self respecting woman would do, I took a screen shot of the page and kept it.  Then I defriended my SIL and her "BFF".   Mature?  Probably not, but it was defriend or go off on this bitch and I wasn't giving her that satisfaction.  Plus she is the kind that will get her feelings hurt when she realizes I defriended her ass.  I can't wait for the day.  This is why the screen shot was important.  She is famous for lying...SHOCKER!  I know if I call her out on it she will lie and I needed proof.  Now I have it. 

You might be asking yourself why I keep quoting "BFF", let me explain.  SIL is crazy.  She's bipolar, maybe not clinically (yet), but one day she will be.  She claimed this girl was her BFF years ago, then they got into some random fight and suddenly she hated her.  And no they weren't in high school they were in their 30's.  Magically one day none of that happened and they were BFF's again! Shoot me now! I get it we are chicks, we fight, but I have never gone around trash talking my BFF nor will I ever! Girl code! 

I'm going to be an adult from here on out, but if she asks why she was defriended then I am going to simply tell her, "When you hang with trash, you become trash and I took out the trash".  End of story!  I don't need a two faced bitch in my life.  I don't her telling people my business, especially not the girl who can't keep her legs closed! 

What now?  Well, I go to bed tonight, get up tomorrow, go to work, come home, workout, plan my wedding, and love on my sweet man.  My life goes on, I am just being proactive and prepared for what the future holds...which happens to be a crazy SIL!  This could get interesting!!

Until next time my loves!! 

PS: I was gone all last week in North Dakota for work and I'm pretty sure they don't believe in fast Internet so that's why no post!  Don't hate!! :)

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